APE 2010 Aftermath

APE has come and gone.  As you may well know, this was our first expo.  Alex and I had never even gone to one as attendees, so we had no idea what to expect. Well, what we got was the full spectrum.

Though it started out rough, overall it was a very positive experience and we learned a lot.  We met a lot of other comic makers (Integrity, Mittens, and Assholes among others), reached out to new fans, got some advice from Larry Marder, got to catch up with some old friends, met a Twitter friend in person, sold some stuff and basically got our intro into comic culture.  I anticipate we’ll be back at APE next year, with a full table and some knowledge.  Other shows?  Maybe.  I don’t know.

It is quite exciting for us to be taken seriously and recognized as a legit comic co.  After roughly 9 years of intermittently drawing Black Snow these last two years have seen us take things to a whole new level.  We redid the entire site (moving it from GeoCities), added two comic strips to our catalog, started producing work with more consistently, got Twitter and the Facebook page really rolling, and of course started this wildly popular blog you are currently reading.  A lot happened in a relatively short amount of time, and it’s been a fairly epic journey.  Expect many more great things to come, as we’ve taken much of what we learned from the show and will be applying it in the new future.

Check out some of our pics from the show.

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