I’M FAMOUS! 48 – Feel my Pimp Hand

#12 OF 12! Sadly this is the last one in the Great Plane Arch, written by me. Don’t worry, Alex wrote some very funny stuff for the future strips.
So what do we have here? The Wolf Pack has immediately gotten lost in LA and wandered into the bad part of town, running afoul of a pimp. Yep, that’s my closer. Ha! Alex liked it. I don’t think my dad did. Can’t please them all I guess. 50% isn’t too bad though.
I researched bad areas of LA for this, and man, they’ve got some pretty crappy slums. I redrew the pimp character a few times, starting out with something less stereotypical and outlandish, but it looked more like a rapper than anything, and din’t have the feel I was going for. Hopefully I’ve offended you all with this drawing.
So I broke out that new painterly style I mentioned last time. Like it? Let me know, because the current plan is to continue in this vein, but I’d be interested to know if people prefer the old style more. I’m pretty excited about it. It’s something I’ve thought of for awhile, but really thought about it a lot now as I read Hawaiian Dick. A combination of being inspired by that and realizing a new technique to fix a problem on the last strip has led to what you see now. I’ve separated the inking from the coloring, something that was combined in a sort of coloring book style in the past. Check out what it looks like with the colors only.

Pretty trippy, eh? See the painterly-ness? Cool. Took longer than usual, but I already picked up some tricks and think it will speed up on subsequence comics. Overall it allows for more freedom to get expressive, and I’m digging it.
Check out what it looks like with only the ink and text.

Sometimes I think they look better before I color them, or when they are partially done, but not in this case. I really think the finished product is cool, and fairly unique. Let me know what you think.