I’M FAMOUS! 50 – Out Weirding the Weird

Could Mr. Rosenstein be weirder than the Lone Wolf? Perhaps. Here is landmark I’M FAMOUS! #50! Take a moment to look back at how much has happened in 50 strips. Do it. I’ll wait.
A lot of stuff. The art style has changed, I like to think evolved, numerous times. We’ve added several characters. The story has progressed nicely, and taken a few odd turns. I’m very proud of it as a collective work.
Today’s strip (By the way, happy Labor Day. Unless you have to work. If you do, I’d say get a new job, because that sucks.) represents that happy medium hybrid of the coloring book and painterly style I talked about. It was a lot faster to color in and I like the way it came out. Next step will be to refine it a bit.