Recent Comic News
“Caught hell from my boss, Don’t care about my job, Caught a cold from the rain, Don’t care if I’m cold, Played every record that I own today, But the only thing I care about got away” – Vice President Joe Biden
What have I been up to? Well, I had that vacation in San Diego. It was great. Saw a lot of animals, did some ghost hunting, got to spend wonderful quality time with my family. While on the vacation we won first and second place on Comicracy with I’m Famous! and Black Snow. We also tied for first in the Thor contest.
Oh, and Osama Bin Laden was killed! Yeah, a real wtf moment there. Funny, Alex and I had talked about him being alive or dead at length only a about two weeks prior. I learned the news when Alex texted me. You want my thoughts on the subject? Why? I don’t have a whole lot to say, except it felt far too long overdue and anti-climactic and sudden. I did not feel the strong united connection the rest of the country was shown to feel by the media. And it didn’t take me too long to get sick of the media coverage.
Anyway, enough of my uneducated thoughts on this major political happening. In comic news, I haven’t written anymore Famouses, nor has Alex. Perhaps I will tomorrow, as I’d like to bust one out by weekends end. I haven’t read Alex’s latest revision of Last Call, I know he worked on it but I suspect he did not finish it. I haven’t had anytime to talk to him about comics lately.
I don’t usually talk about it, but I have some health problems, and I had to have a medical procedure that sidelined me for half of yesterday and most of today. It was incredibly unpleasant. But during that time I did create these three Black Snow desktop backgrounds.
I love those! I really want to grit up Black Snow, and can’t wait to draw Last Call. Those should give you an idea of my vision.
I’ve also taken my forced time home to submit our comics to several publishers, and got really quick, pleasant responses from NEC Press and Christine Mignola. I’ve reach out to some big and small players and I’m also looking into the not fun world of self publishing, as has been suggested to me numerous times. I don’t expect much out of this latest round of publisher submissions, in fact I’m surprised I already got 2 responses. I didn’t even bother to follow the guidelines of a couple of them this time, as it seemed like wasted effort. I do think it’s important to keep submitting though, as you never know when something might actually come through.
And I’m actually starting to feel as if the comic world is taking us seriously. Though the general consensus seems to be that we are a bit too rough and unpolished. Only a bit though, so I can work on that. The only thing I don’t understand is why I often see comics much more unpolished than ours published. Oh well, worry about yourself I suppose.
Now get depressed.