2012 Resolutions

Around these parts we take our New Years Resolutions pretty seriously. In 2010 I said I’d do at least one Famous every week for the year, and I did that for 50 out of 52 weeks. One missed week I was on vacation in Hawaii, and there were several weeks when I was pumping out 3-4 strips, so I don’t feel too bad about those two weeks where I didn’t do one.

In 2011 I made a personal resolution when I realized I had somehow gotten very heavy, 192 lbs to be specific. No one seemed to notice it happening, even me. I had been pretty consistently staying about 175 for many years up until then, and resolved to get back down to it again. I didn’t do any drastic workout plan or crash diet. I just slowly tried to be a bit more active, eat more healthy, and cut down my portions. And I’d say halfway through the year I was back to my norm. But I kept going, and today I weighed in at 164. That’s less than When I graduated high school. And I’m still losing. My goal? 160, then my new goal will be to add some more muscle tone.

So you can see I at least attempt to do what I say I’ll do, even if I’m only saying it to myself. The trick to actually succeeding with a resolution? Set realistic goals.

So now I offer you my 2012 resolutions, for the comics that is. You may have seen this first one announced already on Facebook and Twitter, but it is the biggest: I will post a new page of Black Snow: Two Drink Minimum every Saturday for the year. If I find I have a lot of pages done early, then maybe I’ll post more than one a week. If the next part isn’t written I will get on Alex and make sure it is done before it becomes an issue with my new self imposed deadline.

So at least 52 new pages this year, that is if there are 52 more pages in the story. That’s the problem with not having it all written and plotted. But I’m pretty sure there are at least 52 more. And if we finish it, well then it will be time to do the next one, which I think will be titled Black Snow: Another Round. Like that?

Another resolution? We’ll debut Detroit Mock City in conjunction with the Cartoonist Studio contest on Monday, February 6th, and release the next one each following Monday for 9 weeks, which is keeping pace with the contest. After that? It really depends on how popular it is and how well we do in the contest. If people react they way I think they’re going to, we’ll be making more after that, and I don’t think it would be too hard to do one a week in addition to the Black Snow. I’m able to draw them pretty quickly.

So where does that leave Famous? I’d love to say I’ll do one a week and pick a day, but remember what I said earlier about realistic goals? I’m not that fast a drawer, especially when doing Black Snow, so it takes some real time. I also have to work a real job to support my family. So instead I’ll say this. When I already have the next couple of pages of Black Snow done and ready to post I’ll try to do some Famous. If I do have a Famous, I’ll post it on a Wednesday.

So there you go. That is the plan to get things a bit more organized and scheduled. And I’ll do my best to make it true. Some things may change depending on whatever may arise, but at least that’s the plan.

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