I Won’t See You At WonderCon

WonderCon 2014I’ve got some disappointing news for you, I’ve officially dropped out of WonderCon.  There’s just no way Two Drink Minimum will be ready on time for the show in April, and I don’t want to go if the book isn’t ready. Even if I drew the rest of the story at record (for me) speed and finished the remaining 18 pages in the next month, I’d still need time to do the bonus material, the cover (which I’m getting help with and it’s looking awesome so far), format the book into a pdf, create the proof and give it the final stamp of approval.  I’m not a fast drawer to begin with, particularly so when I’m trying to draw really well.  And I definitely want the book’s finale to look as good as possible.  Not to mention most of my time goes to my full time job, paying side jobs and my family.  So I just can’t handle that rush.

WonderCon is a big deal.  It’s a highly attended show frequented by influential industry folks, will involve about a 5 and a half hour drive each way and hotel stays.  So I don’t want to commit to that if I don’t have a product I want to sell.  I definitely plan on being there next year though.  It’s just nice to know I got in to begin with!

Big Wow! ComicFestThe good news is things are still on track for the book to be ready for Big Wow! ComicFest in May, which takes place in my home town of San Jose.  I’ll still have to keep things moving at a fairly brisk pace, but I’m totally confident I’ll be ready.  So I’m really looking forward to that.

I’ll also be looking to do other local cons after that.  Anything in the Bay Area or around Sacramento I’ll likely hit up.  Sadly I won’t be at Sacramento Comic Con this weekend.  There’s a good chance I’ll do APE again this October.  Plus I’m still waiting to hear if I got a space at the San Diego Comic-Con this July, which would be amazing.

Maybe Alex can even rep the comic at cons around the Baltimore area.  Or I could even visit Alex for the Baltimore Comic-Con in September.  We’ll see, I guess.

So it’s a bummer I won’t be at WonderCon, but I think you’ll start seeing me around a lot more shortly after.  And if you have a con you want me at just let me know and I’ll see if I can do it!

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