Alternative Press Expo 2014
Finally I’ve got some good news when it comes to conventions…I’ll be appearing at APE this year! That’s right, I’ll be at the Alternative Press Expo on October 4 and 5. And this year it will be at a new location, Fort Mason in San Francisco.
I’m looking forward to returning to APE. It was the first convention I ever did, and it is a cool show because there is a real variety of art and other projects there. Some really fun and bizarre stuff.
So please come out and see me. I’ll have my new and improved booth with some kick ass display stands and all my new prints for sale. It should be my best showing yet.
I’m not sure if I’ll be alone or getting a guest partner for the show yet, but either way I’m sure I’ll appreciate your company. So do come by.
Also, I’m already confirmed for Big Wow! ComicFest next year, which is going to be in April instead of May. I’m happy about the date change, so I don’t have to miss my son’s birthday again. Plus I’m confirmed for my first Wizard World, which will be in Sacramento in June. So I’ll finally be getting out there!