Day 40
Rule #1 prevents me from talking about Fight Club, but I guess I’ll break it. This was the first movie I saw on DVD and it really struck me. All the bonuses and cool menus. I knew I had to get a DVD player and start collecting DVDs. Which were pretty expensive at the time, ranging about $30-$50. This movie was a trip. It’s been on my mind a little lately, though I haven’t watched it since it first came out. I should probably watch it again.
I like the anti-consumerism, non-conformist message of it. Those are things I still struggle with, since it is so easy to just let life ease you into societal norms, especially when you start a family. I also read the book and really liked it. In fact I think it was quite a bit better than the movie, especially the totally different ending. I won’t spoil it for you, but it’s good.
I was a bit annoyed by all the hype the movie had when it came out. Overhyping can really hurt something for me. I also thought people were a little overboard going on about the revolutionary style. I always thought it felt a lot like Pi, which is a movie no one ever talks about.
This feels like the most complete drawing I’ve done for the challenge so far since it wasn’t just a character sketch, but more of a total image with the movie poster style and meant to convey a concept. Spoiler warning: they are the same person! The weekends are nice because I generally have more time to work on these since I don’t have work, so I can get more ambitious. I wish I had all day to draw, but until it pays my bills that ain’t happening. I got the idea for this last night and couldn’t sleep, so I actually started drawing it around midnight. It is the first fully digital drawing I’ve done for the challenge.