Day 57

Black Snow Comics’ Originals Week continues with the always cheerful Happy from the short lived political comic strip Detroit Mock City. Day 57 of the #365daychallenge

This was a comic created specifically to be in a contest back in late 2011 / early 2012 for a website that is probably defunct now. Most of the old comic websites are. I really don’t remember which it was, but I remember it was an annual thing and I think they actually had syndication ties, so your comic was supposed to be newspaper ready. I’m pretty sure I had entered the year before with one of our ongoing comics, but the memory is vague. I used to do a bunch of stuff like this back in the early days of webcomics, because that was how you tried to get noticed. Vote for me! Ugh…

So of course I won the contest and got my comic syndicated in national newspapers and became really famous. Oh wait, the comic lost in the finals when the judges picked a different one without any real explanation or criteria stated. And newspapers died. Oh well.

Anyway, it was a fun comic and probably had the best vision and consistency of any of our comics. Maybe I should have stuck with it! Regular readers will know we’ve featured the city of Detroit as a setting in many of our comics, so it was nice to really give it a spotlight here. I’ve had a few people stumble on the comic over the years and spread the word of how much they enjoy, so that is nice.

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