Day 84
Day 84 of the #365drawingchallenge kicks off Batman Week with a request for the Master of Fear, the Scarecrow. I love Batman. I have since I saw Batman the Animated Series, reruns of the Batman 60s show, and the Tim Burton Batman movies as a kid. He is definitely one of my favorite comic book characters, and I love the collected graphic novels. Hell, I love the Gotham TV series. Batman is up there with Hellboy and Spider-man as my goat.
So last night I got very excited at the idea of drawing some Batman characters. And I got a lot of immediate feedback from people that wanted to see me draw them. There are just so many great characters, I may have to do a second week at some point to get to them. It seems pretty much everyone loves Batman, and working on one of those books would be a dream come true for any artist.
I like Scarecrow. His backstory is cool, his use of fear is really interesting, and his design is fantastic. He is so much fun to draw, and I think he is a bit underrated. I mixed a few different looks here, but stuck mainly with his classic traditional style.