Day 180
Day 180 of the #365drawingchallenge is Scar from The Lion King. I loved The Lion King as a kid, one of my favorite movies. It was at a time where Disney could do no wrong and they made up a pretty big chunk of my childhood entertainment. I was watching it last night with my kids and it made me really just want to draw Scar. For whatever reason he really stood out to me. And I thought his Be Prepared musical number there would be an opportune pose. And there were several I went back and forth on. One where he was more menacing looking, another where he was more posh, then I saw this moment. It really captures his character, plus it’s the way I feel sometimes. And I really liked the green lighting, which was another reason I picked this scene. While pulling up some reference I found out the gif is a bit of a meme, so that’s kind of funny.
I once lied and told a girl I liked The Little Mermaid more than The Lion King as a way to make her likely, and Alex (who was present and fighting for The Lion King’s superiority) never let me forget it. Well, some 20 years later I’ll just say that in my honest opinion The Lion King is an undeniably better movie. Sorry Jill, you were wrong.
Anyway, this was super fun to draw. Such an expressive face is a joy to work with. Plus any classic Disney character design is going to be great. Plus the rich colors, the interesting identifiable shapes of the lion form, and that green lighting. This was a very fun, easy job. It did not take long. It felt very natural. I always enjoyed drawing in the Disney style, and I think I added a bit of my own flair here.