Day 188

Day 188 of the #365drawingchallenge was a a quick sketch of Batman that I wasn’t able to scan until today. I wasn’t at home and didn’t have any drawing stuff with me, so I used what I could get. A ballpoint pen and a thin piece of computer paper. But you know what they say, it’s a poor craftsman who blames his tools. Or something like that. Anyway, it’s kind of a fun wrinkle to the challenge to get something drawn when I’m out. And it makes me think more about what would look good with the materials I have. And in this case I thought I’d go for Batman, which would look cool in the scratchy sketch style. I know I kind of drew Batman already for that variant cover, but I thought he deserved his own detailed drawing. And it’s my challenge, so I can basically do what I want.

Batman sketch

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