Day 249
Day 249 of the #365drawingchallenge is the legendary writer of Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Swamp Thing, The Killing Joke and much more, Alan Moore. Of course he is one of the most famous comic writers of all time, considered brilliant and incredibly bizarre. A real life wizard and one of the most fascinating figures in all of comics. I’m a pretty big fan, particularly of the Watchmen, which has been a major inspiration of mine. Alan Moore recently announced his retirement from comics, to which most people I know said “I thought he retired a long time ago.” So yeah, he even retired weird. He’s a figure you could study for years and still not fully understand. I don’t feel I’m qualified to say a whole lot about him as there’s already been so much said by people who know a lot more. Anyway, he was fun to draw. Such a distinct face.