Day 346

Day 346 of the #365drawingchallenge is the terrifying H.P. Lovecraft monster the Cthulhu. Lovecraft and Cthulhu seem to have risen in popularity over the last couple of decades for some reason. You see a lot of Cthulhu stuff out there. And it’s no secret that Mike Mignola, Hellboy’s creator, is very inspired by Lovecraft and uses that influence a lot in the comic. Oh, and if you weren’t aware Hellboy is my favorite comic book series. So it’s kind of odd that I’ve never drawn Cthulhu before. I’d like to do it again another time in a more traditional drawing, but I thought this would be a cool approach . I was envisioning it on a t-shirt. One of my motivations for drawing more original stuff is to avoid copyright issues so I can sell some merch and make some money. I really need to turn my hobby into something more lucrative to keep pursuing it.


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