It is I! The Lone Wolf!

I am the Lone Wolf. Black Snow was my sidekick. I have started a Twitter. I am the alpha male, he is…I don’t even know what!

You may be interested to know that Nina Mercedez, known for her work in the porn, is now a bosom friend of mine. We drink friendship from the Chalice of Friendship.

I must also mention that I am of the Pro Wrestling Generation. I do enjoy a good wrestle. Just ask the strongest man of any Metropolitan Midwestern City! This tweet looks awful I must say! I will sip tea and re-read The Walden Pond before I attempt to re-create this mockery of justice and human rights. Go away, and quit my sight!

How about this one?

@FamousLoneWolf Of course you don’t even know what Twitter is, you’re an insane fool!less than a minute ago via web

I have made this blog much uglier! That’s the Detroit way.

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