I almost forgot to write a blog this week! But I’ve still got a few hours left before Friday is over, so technically this is on time. I’ll take a technicality at this point.
I’m currently very tired. I just got back from a beach barbeque celebrating my sister’s birthday. After a day of getting sun and wind burnt while sipping rum and coke, then making the long (at least it always feels long) drive over the hill, I am quite sleepy. But I’ve pried my eyelids open with toothpicks until I finish writing this.
So expect this to be a short one!
I may even force myself to stay awake until I finish another panel or two tonight. I am closing in on the end of the book, and if I keep pushing myself hard I am on track to finish it by the end of the month, which would give me enough time to get it printed for the Big Wow! ComicFest next month. So that’s my goal.
Since I don’t have much to say tonight, I’ll give you something juicy to mull over. I recently finished drawing someone’s death scene! Which character do you think it is? Hit me up with your guess and if you get it right maybe I’ll have a nice little prize for you.
It’s always interesting drawing one of your character’s demise. It can be sad, unless it is a problem character or one you particularly disliked. That can be kind of cathartic. Or it can even be a character you created specifically with that intent to be killed, usually to serve a plot point. Whatever the case, it is a somewhat emotional thing to do.
Of course this is comics, so the chances of someone staying dead is very low. Though I like to think when we kill someone in our comics they stay dead because we like to work in real world consequences. Of course that isn’t really true though, because even we’ve brought a character back from the dead before.
So what am I saying? I don’t know! Like I said, I’m tired.
I’m looking forward to finishing the book and hitting the con circuit. I was also recently struck with inspiration for a future project that I’d like to start after this book. It isn’t comic related, but there is a chance I’ll be collaborating on it with Alex. I don’t mean to be mysterious, so I’ll just tell you what it is. It’s a screenplay I want to write based on a true historical event. When I recently learned about this event, the first man to drive a car across the United States, I was instantly struck by the inherent cinematic qualities of the story and saw the movie playing in my mind. So hopefully I’ll get to work on that soon.
And with that I bid you adieu for this week, so I can finish those damn panels and get to bed!