Day 356

Day 356 of the #365drawingchallenge is the ghost of Jacob Marley coming to warn Scrooge of the three spirits who will be paying a visit. I really like A Christmas Carol. It’s a great story with almost countless adaptations at this point. Last night we watched the Muppet version, which is one of my favorites. Of course one of the most fun things about it is the variety of ghosts that visit. While the ghost of Christmas future is creepily awesome I’ve always liked Jacob Marley. It’s just very iconic. And ghosts are fun to draw. Here I used some pretty exaggerated expressions and rally had fun with the colors. For whatever reason ghosts are usually depicted with blue or green tones, and I love that look. Here I used both with some purple and I think it looks really good. It took me a long time to get comfortable with colors, but now I really like playing with them.

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